I give a fuck, do you?

who i am

hi. my name is christine gotthardt.

i am a self-taught software developer living in cologne.

i give a fuck about communities, accessability, css, equality, skillsharing, jamstack, three.js, open source, flexbox, intersectional feminism and so much more.

what i've done

this is a small selection of projects that i've done so far.

more to come.

Programmieren mit der MausCode

Programmieren mit der Maus

Data StarterCode | Design Systems

Data Starter

KalkSpaceCommunity | Code | Design


FLINTA und Computer KramCommunity

FLINTA und Computer Kram



Videonale XCode

Videonale X


let's talk about the weather.

on mastodon: @pla_tine@chaos.social

via mail: christinegotth [ at ] posteo . de